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Getting Help...

Just like if you had a chronic knee pain that was disrupting your sleep, keeping you from doing the things in life, disrupting relationships or ability to work, or impairing your quality of life, you'd see a doctor.  Sometimes mental and mood health also requires professional support so you can get back to the business of being your best damn you®.

Here are a few of our specialties...

Potted succulent with books in thebackground


Mood Support: Anxiety/Depression

Everyone feels down or stressed out from time to time. Work is busy. Schedules are overwhelming. You’re not getting enough sleep, and you’d rather spend the day at home in your sweats in front of the TV. We’ve all been there.

But sometimes it's more than that...


Self Esteem

Nobody is born with low self-esteem – it develops as a result of the experiences we have throughout our lives. At the centre of low self-esteem are the beliefs and opinions we hold about ourselves. We tell ourselves stories about who we are and form conclusions about ourselves. While there are lots of ways to improve your self-esteem on your own, working with a qualified therapist can help you uncover and heal the causes of these challenges, and turbo-boost re-building your self-esteem...

Two pots with cacti


Eating Disorders

Eating disorders and disordered eating can come in many forms;  anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, but also, dangerously covert patterns such as yo-yo dieting, extreme "clean" eating, following restrictive fad diets, self-diagnosed exclusionary eating rules, and compulsive over-exercise...


Trauma & PTSD

Most of us think of trauma as the bad things that happen to us, but trauma isn't the events and experiences that cause or have caused us pain; trauma is the lasting "inner injury". It is the long-lasting result of what happens inside of us - the impacts, adaptations and disconnects from self we unconsciously make in response to these experiences.

Large leaf Monstera plant
Container with various succulents


Stressful Life Changes

Major life transitions can be tricky to navigate even under the best circumstances. Regular life changes such as these can knock us off balance and be difficult to manage on our own...

Cactus Collection



Seeking support for mental health and emotional issues can make people nervous for any number of reasons. Some people may be uncomfortable revealing sensitive information and others find it difficult to talk about private concerns.  It is hard to open up even under the best circumstances, but when you identify "differently" than mainstream norms, it can be excruciatingly difficult. It doesn't have to be this way...


Dating, Relationships & Sex

As humans, forming connections is one of our primary needs and motivations. These relational connections could be with family members, co-workers or colleagues, or with friends, but one of the primary areas of difficulty is in romantic relationships...

Potted succulent plant


Grief & Loss

Powerful feelings of grief and loss are so normal and natural that they are typically not given a ‘diagnosis’ like other conditions such as anxiety or depression, unless we become stuck in it or it is complicated

Female hands holding several eucalyptus branches
Plant Shed


Older Adolescents & Teens

We know how difficult it can be for teens to admit they need help, muchless for adults to admit that their teen needs help, but there are certain problems that you may not be able to solve as a parent. Some issues may benefit from professional counseling and intervention: behavior problems, emotional problems, mental health issues, substance abuse problems, eating disorders, stress, relationship difficulties, and traumatic experiences. 



All relationships need boundaries.

A boundary is an imaginary line that separates me from you. They separate your physical space, your feelings, needs, and responsibilities from others. Your boundaries also tell other people how they can treat you – what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Without boundaries, people may take advantage of you because you haven’t set limits about how you expect to be treated. 

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