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Kimberly Mahr
Mar 3, 2022
Social Anxiety?
Are you afraid of being judged by others? Self-conscious in everyday social situations? Avoid meeting new people?

Kimberly Mahr
Jan 20, 2022
11 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack
Panic attacks are frightening and uncomfortable - people who suffer from panic attacks often feel as if they're going to die.

Kimberly Mahr
Jan 11, 2022
Finding Peace in the Midst of Grief
The state of grief confronts even the most emotionally sturdy people, so feeling like you're not able to handle what you're facing is a chal

Kimberly Mahr
Jan 8, 2022
Alcohol and Anxiety
The relationship between alcohol and anxiety can be more complicated than that. Many adults can safely drink in moderation, but for others,

Kimberly Mahr
Dec 14, 2021
Alone Over the Holidays?
Being alone over the holidays can be a positive experience. Instead of being sad and blue, you can find ways to stay happy...

Kimberly Mahr
Aug 11, 2021
5 Signs You May Have PTSD After Pregnancy Loss
Discovering an ectopic pregnancy or experiencing a sudden loss of a pregnancy is a complete shock to the system.

Kimberly Mahr
Jun 26, 2021
Born Anxious?
Ever wonder if you were just "born anxious?" I often hear this from my clients who seem to have a core disposition towards anxiety and...

Kimberly Mahr
Jun 25, 2021
Foods To Quit The Worries
7 Amazing Foods That Can Help Relieve Anxiety Have you been feeling anxious lately? You’re not alone. Anxiety is a wide-spread issue that...

Kimberly Mahr
Jul 1, 2020
Laughing at Yourself Made Easy
Laughing at yourself is liberating! Instead of feeling frustrated by your shortcomings or embarrassed about looking foolish, you can...

Kimberly Mahr
Jun 18, 2020
Right now, even though many of us may appear to be navigating the emotional aspects of this pandemic reasonably well...

Kimberly Mahr
Jun 11, 2020
Hello, Are You In There?
Emotional unavailability poses serious obstacles to love and commitment, but you may be able to work things out. Put your love life back on

Kimberly Mahr
Feb 3, 2020
Winter Blues
Shorter days. Less sunlight. Cooler temperatures leading to more time indoors.

Kimberly Mahr
Jan 24, 2020
Tame the beast
Anger is the "enforcer" emotion we allow to take charge when we feel softer, more uncomfortable emotions like fear or sadness.

Kimberly Mahr
Jan 4, 2020
Worry Hangs Out in Your Body, Too!
It may be "all in your head," but anxiety affects your body as well as your mind.
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