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Kimberly Mahr
Jul 18, 2023
Why Are You Stuck?
Here are soul-searching questions will help you understand why you’re feeling stuck.
Kimberly Mahr
Jul 11, 2023
A Different Approach to Venting
If you believe that screaming and punching a pillow will make you feel less angry, think again. Studies show that venting unpleasant...
Kimberly Mahr
Jun 20, 2023
Depression Sucks
Have you ever felt sad, lonely, anxious, irritable or lack motivation?  At some point we all feel these emotions and it is totally...
Kimberly Mahr
May 24, 2023
Stop Negative Self-Talk Quickly
One of the most critical mindset shifts you can make in your life is to eliminate negative self-talk.
Kimberly Mahr
May 17, 2023
Douse The Emotional Flames
Shit happens. Sometimes it's little stuff (you break a nail) and sometimes it's bigger stuff (you break a finger). When bad stuff...
Hailey Araza
May 10, 2023
Understanding Your Teen's Sexuality
Tips for parents as teens explore their sexual identity.
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